Branding Articles

Previously I’ve noted the importance of decking your brand’s halls for the holidays and establishing rituals as a means of building stronger connections with your customers and community. A great example of both is Nordstrom. Holiday decor in department stores … Read More

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. To the perplexity of many, retail brands across the country have been decking their halls since just before Halloween. Holiday decor has become so ubiquitous that Nordstrom’s actually makes headlines by declaring … Read More

It happened again. One of those defining moments where we’re reminded why it’s important to be brand-driven. High-end yoga apparel maker Lululemon is enduring a storm of controversy from fans for selling Ayn Rand’s book, Atlas Shrugged in their retail … Read More

As regular readers of this blog can attest, I like to talk about what I call Brand-Driven Communities. This is a phrase I use to describe that audience of rabid fans that you can build around your brand that is … Read More

Branding is important. I gotta get me some of that. Social media is critical. I gotta get me some of that, too. Branding and social media are kind of squishy things. Industry thought leaders wax philosophically to the point that … Read More

As Creative Director for Fwix, Jordan Gadapee is responsible for the geotagging start-up’s brand development across all platforms including web, mobile, and the app marketplace. As we consider the impact that all of these screens have on our business, Jordan … Read More

On Saturday I took my kids to Disney’s new Winnie the Pooh movie. That same day I received a handwritten thank-you note from a colleague. At the crossroads of these two events is a take-away as you consider your own … Read More

As you may have noticed, I recently had some new professional photos taken for the About, Work with Me, Speaking, and Contact pages on this blog. Why did I do this? It’s simple. When you look at your blog’s traffic … Read More


Recently our firm has been charged with naming several products, services, and companies for our clients. This has given us the opportunity to standardize and streamline the frameworks and tools that we use when creating a brand name. As this … Read More

Last week the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) rolled out a new logo, identity system, and website for HTML5, the next major revision of the HTML standard. Here’s an interview I did with Michael Nieling and Jeff Hamlett of Ocupop, … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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