Digital Marketing Articles

I don’t know where I’d be without my dad jokes. They remind me so effectively of exactly who I am. Just ask my five kids … (Cue cymbal crash/rimshot.) But seriously, folks, email marketing is no laughing matter. It consistently … Read More

Old Man Yells at Clubhouse

February 9, 2021

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and my monthly business column for The Gazette isn’t done. Actually, it isn’t even started. I’ve procrastinated. Again. As I made the walk of shame to my home office in an attempt to get a draft … Read More

Fall is upon us! I celebrated by throwing my front porch flowers away. This might sound like a pessimistic way to celebrate the season but in doing so I was reminded of how much I loved my flowers. We have … Read More

With all of the shiny new things in marketing today it can be hard not to be overwhelmed. From Facebook live video to Snapchat, we are constantly bombarded with examples of marketers doing cool things with new forms of content … Read More

Every now and then, small everyday moments present opportunities to observe concise case studies in action. As anyone who follows me on social media knows, I’ve been pretty aggressively promoting my new book Get Scrappy: Smarter Digital Marketing for Businesses Big … Read More

Running is one of my favorite things. I try to run about 3 miles ever other day. When I’m faced with excessive amounts of delicious holiday treats as the past couple of weeks have presented I keep at it, in … Read More

A new year brings new social and digital opportunities for marketers at businesses big and small. As we wrap up one year, many find themselves at the heart of planning for what lies ahead. Specifically, how to up your brand’s … Read More

With another year behind us and a new year on the horizon, digital marketers are looking ahead with excitement. As new technology, tools, and trends emerge, we thought it might be useful to ask some of the industry’s brightest thought … Read More

We do business with brands we know, like, and trust. This tried and true expression has guided marketers for decades, helping us align our organizational beliefs with our actions. However, like most popular axioms it’s easy to nod along at … Read More

“We can’t do that! We’re in [INSERT BORING REGULATED INDUSTRY HERE].” How often have you heard this? Maybe you’ve even said this. In either case, don’t worry. All of the bells and whistles of social media and digital marketing often … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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