Storytelling Articles

storytelling tips

This past weekend we did something special in the online MBA program at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business where I teach—we had students on campus. In launching a popular online program, we’ve been looking for ways to … Read More

As I’ve written recently, story can be a powerful tool for marketers looking to cut through the clutter in the distracted, digital world we find ourselves in. When you hear a story, your brain lights up with cortex activity in … Read More

Let me tell you a story …  I bet those six words got your attention. As overwhelmed human beings, we are, in short, story machines. We consume stories in many forms throughout our day and write stories of our own to … Read More

We’re all in the storytelling business. Whether you’re a marketing professional at a Fortune 500 company, running a small business, fundraising for a non-profit, or communicating on behalf of a government agency, you’re responsible for telling your brand’s story with the intention of producing … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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