Branding Articles

One of the most creative companies churning out quality product at an unprecedented rate is Pixar. Over the past two decades, the Disney-owned animation studio has produced a string of critical and commercial successes in an industry where success is … Read More

I love Mad Men. But I also hate Mad Men. To be clear, I love the show – the acting, writing, and art direction. However, I dislike that it’s somewhat stunted the idea of marketers for our culture in the … Read More

Recently we’ve spent some time exploring what a brand is (and why it matters). We’ve also looked at the spark that gets your brand off the bench and into the game. Today I want to spend some time looking at … Read More

Branding vs. Marketing

June 10, 2013

The labels in our industry suck. There I said it. Those words that sit under your logo – are they your slogan, tagline, or brand promise? How about your logo itself – is it a logo, mark, brand, or a … Read More

Let me make it clear going out the gate that this post is largely inspired by me coming off of a nerd’s dream weekend as a new Star Trek movie was released (and a season finale of Doctor Who to … Read More

One of my favorite photos from our Social Strategy Boot Camp event series is the one above featuring a few attendees having fun with some of our branded stickers. More than being a great shot of people enjoying themselves on-site … Read More

With all of the shifts that the Internet has brought, many of us don’t know what to do or even where to start. As our megaphone for getting our stories to the masses has changed, many of us are overwhelmed … Read More

What Is a Brand?

January 31, 2013

Believe it or not, one of the questions I hear most often is – what is a brand? It’s no secret that I am a brand-driven guy. As exciting as new technology is, I’ve always viewed social and digital media … Read More

This blog sits at the intersection of branding and social media. There’s nothing more in the crosshairs of this thesis than the branding of a social network. Last week Twitter unveiled a new logo. A new bird really. When discussing … Read More

We hear it all the time. What’s your brand promise? That’s part of your brand promise. Like many ubiquitous statements in the fast-moving marketing zeitgeist the phrase ‘brand promise’ is bandied about with great ease but what does it really … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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