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Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review

Article Archive

The Latest in Branding
measuring brand building

Yes, I’m a big believer in brands and branding. Yes, I put the latter in air quotes in the title of this piece. No, I’m not questioning the importance or existence of branding. If anything, what should be in air … Read More

The Latest in Communication
presentation visuals

New presentation to give? First stop: PowerPoint. Or Keynote or Google Slides. Regardless of your preferred design software, this is mental calculus that happens constantly in today’s world of work. That’s why, after email, presentation software is the most commonly … Read More

The Latest in Content Marketing

Because it seems like just about everything has changed over the past two years, it’s oddly comforting when you find something that’s still the same. It’s like discovering a lone flower sprouting out of a scarred battlefield. Just when we … Read More

The Latest in Digital Marketing

I don’t know where I’d be without my dad jokes. They remind me so effectively of exactly who I am. Just ask my five kids … (Cue cymbal crash/rimshot.) But seriously, folks, email marketing is no laughing matter. It consistently … Read More

The Latest in Leadership

Leadership and storytelling. If you also have ‘collaboration’ and ‘engagement’ and the free space, you should have a Buzzword Bingo. It’s easy to find these topics covered in talks at conferences, the pages of books, and articles online—like this one … Read More

The Latest in Life

As family and friends gathered in new ways to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we were dealt another tragic loss with the death of retired Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh. The pain is especially acute because of what he stood for in … Read More

The Latest in Storytelling
storytelling tips

This past weekend we did something special in the online MBA program at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business where I teach—we had students on campus. In launching a popular online program, we’ve been looking for ways to … Read More

The Latest in Strategy

At this point, most of us have already seen tons of articles and videos on things like “How to do XYZ in the midst of COVID-19.” Some have been good. Others have been not so good. As marketers in today’s … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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