Branding Articles

Your brand is a huge asset. It represents the emotional capital you have with your audience. When brands make mistakes, apologies are key tactics that can be employed to help protect and even restore brand equity. But they aren’t miracle … Read More

Let’s face it. Nobody wants to think about crisis communication. Imagining potential hazards that could befall your brand is an easy way to get your thoughts and emotions running amok. What if we have a high-profile customer service fail? What … Read More

It isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it. You’ve no doubt heard this before. This axiom has permeated business, politics, and life at many levels. From your personal communication to your next big marketing campaign, style matters. Especially … Read More

To channel postal great Cliff Clavin, it’s a little-known fact that people today have the attention span of a goldfish. Thanks to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, text messages, email, live video, fitness trackers, smart cars, and … What was that? Sorry. … Read More

Having a sense of humor can help your brand standout exponentially. Nothing delivers connection and meaning faster than making someone laugh. A recent Nielsen study found that 47% of global respondents said that humorous ads resonated the most. That said, … Read More

Should your brand stand for something? It’s easy to mistake this as a simple question. Of course, we want our brands to stand for something! However, as we venture beyond the safe confines of product and industry conversations, broader sociological, … Read More

I love running. It’s my favorite form of exercise. Like most runners I find myself disliking every other form of exercise. While running, I love listening to podcasts. Recently, when my old over-the-ear aviator headphones bit it, I thought it … Read More

Why Your Brand Has to Move

February 17, 2016

In recent years, Super Bowl ads have become as watched as the game itself. We’ve come a long way since Apple’s 1984 ad first alerted viewers that there was still something to see during the game’s commercial breaks.

On a recent family vacation, we took our kids to Legoland in Schaumburg, Illinois. It was a fun experience in more ways than one. For anyone who’s ever played with the colorful blocks or seen the recent movie, you know … Read More

Be a Bill Murray Brand

February 11, 2015

It’s Oscar season and once again one of my favorite actors and one of our national treasures has ended up without a nomination. Bill Murray turned in another stellar performance in St. Vincent and ended up shut out. At the … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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