Strategy Articles

At this point, most of us have already seen tons of articles and videos on things like “How to do XYZ in the midst of COVID-19.” Some have been good. Others have been not so good. As marketers in today’s … Read More

Does anyone really want to talk about crisis communication? It’s sort of like life insurance. You want to know you have a plan in place but it’s not something you want to dwell upon.

In a world with numerous social networks, where everyone is creating every form of content directed toward a public with the attention span of a goldfish, it’s easy to think that the best thing to do is more. More branding. … Read More

Let me start by saying I don’t want to get political. Yes, Donald Trump won the presidential election. Honestly, I wish him well. To do otherwise would be to hope that the pilot crashes the plane you’re on. What I take … Read More

With another year behind us and a new year on the horizon, digital marketers are looking ahead with excitement. As new technology, tools, and trends emerge, we thought it might be useful to ask some of the industry’s brightest thought … Read More

Your Ads Don’t Have to Suck

September 23, 2015

In the reality series Project Runway, host Tim Gunn often tells stressed fashion designer contestants to “make it work.” That’s the same strategy my wife and I employ for getting through summer with five kids at home, while also trying … Read More

Marketing in Circles

August 12, 2015

When I’m not consulting, coaching, or teaching, I get to do one of my favorite things — speaking to large groups of marketers and business owners eager to build their brands and grow their businesses. Last spring I had the … Read More

What the hell is all that noise? That thought was going through my head as I traversed the crowded hallways of the Austin Convention Center at the annual SXSW Interactive conference this past March. Each year this event draws thousands … Read More

There are many things about traditional media that are broken. However, traditional media dynamics such as top-of-mind awareness and word-of-mouth marketing are alive and well and have only been enhanced by new media and technology.

Over the holidays a relative of mine who has a profitable side business took me aside and asked for my help. His question: should I have a website? My answer may surprise you.

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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