Branding Articles

measuring brand building

Yes, I’m a big believer in brands and branding. Yes, I put the latter in air quotes in the title of this piece. No, I’m not questioning the importance or existence of branding. If anything, what should be in air … Read More

sonic branding

What does a brand sound like?!? Honestly, my first gut response to this question is—don’t know, don’t care. And I’m in the brand-building business! However, I bet I’m not alone.

A new year brings many new things—new adventures, new challenges, new opportunities. Twenty twenty-two is no different. Except that it’s completely different. New years are supposed to provide us with all of these things. We can usually turn to a … Read More

Happy New Year! As an author, speaker, podcast host, and educator, I’m often asked for trends that I see on the horizon of a new year. Twenty twenty-one was no exception. However, with the traumatic year we’re leaving behind and … Read More

I’m consistently amazed at how often I encounter people who are skeptical of personal branding. Apple, Nike, and Starbucks need to focus on branding. But Jennifer in sales? No way. And yet, your personal brand helps you accomplish one of … Read More

nw blm

George Floyd’s murder at the hands of the Minneapolis Police has forever changed race in America. “Everyone was witness to a murder,” a colleague said to me recently about this critical point in our history. We’re mad. We’re sad. We don’t … Read More

Recently, I was having coffee with a friend who sits on a local board with me. The organization is embarking on a bold new rebrand that I’ve been consulting on. As we discussed the process, he asked me, “What’s the … Read More

To say that we live in strange times is an understatement. We’re surrounded by disruption. Every long-held assumption is being tested. The world of branding is no exception. With more channels to communicate, one could think it’d be easier than … Read More

It’s January and a new year is upon us! Actually, it was upon us a week ago. But admit it — you’re just now getting up to speed after what was hopefully a restful holiday break.

Is Branding Over?

November 9, 2018

People don’t want to hear about branding anymore … Branding really isn’t what we’re trying to do here … It’s more than just branding …

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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