Author Archives: Nick Westergaard

sarah tourville on brand

“The reality is that many want to be innovative and disruptive and they’re just not.” Starting as a marketer at Motorola to founding Media Frenzy Global, Sarah Tourville has spent her career helping disruptive brands tell their stories. We discussed … Read More

josh levine on brand

“It’s imperative. You must design your culture. It plays such a big role.” Educator, author, and designer Josh Levine has made his mission helping organizations understand the need for culture design in our rapidly changing digital world. His new book … Read More

steve woodruff on brand

“We’re more and more distracted today. There’s more and more noise. What hasn’t increased is attention.” In our noisy, distracted world, it’s harder than ever to get our audience’s attention — to say nothing of making sure that they remember … Read More

jeremy dale on brand

“Marketing is the balance of the irrational and the rational.” Someone that would utter this truth would naturally have some ideas that are out of the box. Drawing on his career at Microsoft and Motorola, Jeremy Dale has gathered stories … Read More

It’s January and a new year is upon us! Actually, it was upon us a week ago. But admit it — you’re just now getting up to speed after what was hopefully a restful holiday break.

“Twenty or 30 years ago, business did not have to be connected to society.” Today this is not the case. Author and strategist Alberto Lopez-Valenzuela helps organizations overcome this challenge at several different levels. As Chief Executive at Alva, he … Read More

“Hold off until you have something to write home about.” As a podcaster and branding thought leader, Case Kenny offered insights on personal branding that many miss. Namely focus — both on your brand credentials as well as the right … Read More

Stop Lying About Communication

December 13, 2018

Stories are transformative. They’re powerful tools for accomplishing our objectives. Studies have shown that stories are more memorable than bullet points in communicating ideas. However, a story in the wrong hands can be a dangerous thing. In fact, there’s another … Read More

will leach on brand

“The science is just sitting out there in academia.” That’s why consultant, educator, and author Will Leach decided to package it up in a revolutionary new book. Marketing to Mindstates is about looking beyond traditional market research by understanding and … Read More

“Webinars are a fundamental campaign we’re overlooking.” As Todd Earwood said that in the first few minutes of our interview it rung true. Webinars are a powerful direct marketing tool and yet we overlook them in favor of shinier new … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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