The Best Marketing Tool You’re Overlooking with Todd Earwood

“Webinars are a fundamental campaign we’re overlooking.” As Todd Earwood said that in the first few minutes of our interview it rung true. Webinars are a powerful direct marketing tool and yet we overlook them in favor of shinier new things like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. We discussed how to avoid this mistake and strategies for better integrating webinars into marketing campaigns this week on the On Brand podcast.

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About Todd Earwood

Todd Earwood is the founder and CEO of MoneyPath, where his team helps to build growth campaigns marrying the efforts of sales and marketing for their clients. Todd believes webinars are the most powerful and most overlooked marketing campaign. After helping his private clients produce webinars in over a dozen industries, he was encouraged by the folks at Hubspot and GotoWebinar to help others and share his webinar formula. As such, he has turned all those successes into a webinar training program called Webinar Works. He’s here to share his perspective on marketing, arguing that we should get back to the basics of true ROI-focused marketing to drive sales.

Episode Highlights

First, I had to ask the big question — the elephant in the room. Why webinars? “If you’re bought into educational marketing, they’re the best tool for delivering.” Plus, webinar leads are better as they provide a tracked measurement of engagement over a specific period of time.

How can you host better webinars? Todd shared his formula for success. First, don’t go it alone. “Unless you’re Kevin Hart or Adele, you can’t hold the stage by yourself.” You need a host and a presenter. The presenter is the expert thought leader while the host reads the bio and provides a safety net when the thought leader gets lost.

Beyond engagement. Webinars don’t just engage — they re-engage. “Webinars are an amazing re-engagement tool.” If you have a cold, unresponsive lead, Todd explained why sending them a webinar link can be useful.

What brand has made Todd smile recently? As a frequent traveler, Todd pointed us to the thoughtfulness of TravelPro luggage.

To learn more, go to and follow Todd at ‘earwood’ on most social networks.

As We Wrap …

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Until next week, I’ll see you on the Internet!