Author Archives: Nick Westergaard

Is Branding Over?

November 9, 2018

People don’t want to hear about branding anymore … Branding really isn’t what we’re trying to do here … It’s more than just branding …

on brand ekaterina walter and jessica gioglio

“Stop being Switzerland!” This could sound like vague advice but it’s so important today. Translated it means that your brand can’t be neutral anymore. There’s so much noise you have to stand out. To help, marketers and serial co-authors Ekaterina … Read More

“You’re going to get judged by your video.” If this quote scares you, you’ll want to listen to this week’s episode. With 80% of online content set to be video by 2019 more brands are pushing into the space. However, … Read More

“Word of mouth influences 50% of all purchases yet no one has a strategy for it.” Ask any business what drives the most leads and sales and the answer is almost universally — word of mouth. Yet, as Jay Baer … Read More

mona amodeo on brand

“It’s no longer enough to sell the sizzle. Customers today want to know what’s behind it — what the brand stands for.” While many (mis)categorize branding as simply a logo or a department or responsibility within the marketing department, strategist … Read More

jeff rohrs on brand

“Consumers deserve perfect info about businesses everywhere. We can all agree on that.” Going out of the gate, Jeff Rohrs reminded us of what’s at stake with all of the information about businesses online. As Chief Marketing Officer at Yext, … Read More

“If you don’t care about having a lifelong relationship with your customers then keep doing what you’re doing.” But if you want to understand the customer journey and build that relationship, you have to understand the data behind it. Kevin … Read More

amber williams on brand

Who are you? Why do you exist? Why should people care? Amber Williams, founder and brand strategist at Punkyflair, helps brand builders answer these top-of-mind questions day in and day out. We discussed all of this and more on this … Read More

As a communication instructor at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business, I look at a lot of writing. Recently, while grading an executive summary assignment (students were asked to summarize an article for a fictitious superior) a couple … Read More

kate boyd on brand

“I joke that I’m good at impressions — you have to do voices.” Why would a marketer need to be good at doing impressions? As founder of Cobblestone Creative Co, Kate Boyd uses this skill to help mirror the voices … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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