Social Spotlight Articles

Google+ Business Wish List

August 22, 2011

Dear Google, We’ve been very good marketers this year. We’re really excited about your most recent toy, Google+. Do you think you could find a way to include the following features in your upcoming rollout of Google+ business pages? Start … Read More

We need you! Outside of the usual crop of early adopters, my larger circle of friends and colleagues (not a literal G+ circle) seems a little skeptical of Google+. Why do we have to learn another social network? Why now? … Read More

Google+ has dominated the interwebs these past couple weeks. From “shiny new thing” syndrome to the coveted invite stampede. With all of this hullabaloo comes an abundance of “expert posts.” In fairness, I wrote one for marketers looking for a … Read More

Last week Twitter was all a-twitter with the launch of Google’s latest foray into social media — Google+. Would it be a ‘Facebook killer’ or a flop like Google Wave and Google Buzz? Like all things Google, early access to … Read More

Recently I had one of those ah-ha moments where insight forever changes the way you look at something. In this case it was how I viewed LinkedIn. Many are perplexed by LinkedIn. What does it do? It’s not as fun … Read More

It’s not the ads. It’s not the Insights. It’s not even a feature directly related to Pages. It’s often the little things that make a big difference. That’s why one of the most important Facebook features is the birthday reminder … Read More

As you may already know, Facebook recently rolled out an update of its Pages for brands with a new interface and new features. Amidst all of the hullabaloo, many are simply asking — what’s so great about the new Pages … Read More

Do you have a Facebook page for your brand? (You should.) Do you have a Twitter account for your brand? (You should.) Facebook and Twitter just quietly made it easier for you to manage your messaging on both simultaneously. The … Read More

Twitter for Business 101

July 23, 2009

Twitter is blissfully simple. It’s a 140-character micro-blogging service where you follow others’ updates while others follow yours. However this simplicity can leave many businesses in the dark on where to start. As I’ve mentioned before, we tweet for our … Read More

If you were on Facebook this past weekend you no doubt noticed some changes. About a week or two ago those of us with Facebook (fan) pages were invited to transition our content over to the new format. Late last … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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