Blogging Articles

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Blogging for business is both important and challenging. Google’s Zero Moment of Truth data reminds us that people are now consulting twice as many online sources before formally “shopping” online and off. Studies from the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing … Read More

How to Monetize Your Blog

December 13, 2012

how to monetize your blog

One of my favorite blogging idea starters is to take audience questions you’ve received from speaking engagements and answer them with a post (feel free to steal this — I’m sure I stole it from somewhere). In going though my … Read More

This entry marks the 300th post on this blog. As this is something of a milestone I wanted to mark the occasion. I could use this as an opportunity to share my blogging process and best practices. But I’ve done … Read More

Many — including me — have compared social media management to the act of gardening. And often times a big part of gardening is pruning out-of-control branches and bushes. As the hub of our social media experience, blogs can quickly amass … Read More

I rarely rant but I’m going to hop up on my soapbox for a bit and call BS on a few ‘blogging purist’ mindsets that I find counter-intuitive to producing a strong blog with great content. Like ‘social media purists’, … Read More

I’m not a perfect blogger by any means. In fact, I’m writing this because of my experiences quitting blogging through the years. I started my blog about branding and new media in 2005 but have wandered on and off the … Read More

I had the incredible opportunity to speak about Building a Brand-Driven Blog at the Community Conference that precedes Dreamforce ’11. Joining me were two of the brightest stars in the blogging universe — Jenna Baze of (@RatherGeeky) … Read More

I wanted to take a moment and explain what this post is. Not this post specifically but this series of posts. As you may know, I post new content on Mondays at 9:00 AM to catch readers at the beginning … Read More

It all comes down to the headline. You could have the most well-crafted ad or in this case, blog post, and yet if the headline isn’t right a majority of your audience will never make it there. What’s a copywriter/blogger … Read More

As you may have noticed, I recently had some new professional photos taken for the About, Work with Me, Speaking, and Contact pages on this blog. Why did I do this? It’s simple. When you look at your blog’s traffic … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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