In our last post we talked about our mantra for employing online video (borrowing a bit from the folks at FTD) — say it with video. We took some of our own advice and used video for our newly added client stories. When faced with how to present client testimonials there are many options — quotes, case studies, etc. In the end, we thought the most powerful words would come directly from our clients via video. While video on websites cannot replace text universally, you should take a step back and review your content and see where video might offer you a chance to put a unique and personal touch on your message. Your privacy policy and contact page? Probably not. But what about a quick video about your financing processes or other technicalities that customers frequently have questions about? Say it with video.
Of course client stories are a great fit and we are very excited to share these first two with you from Mark Hummel of Hummel’s Nissan and Barry Smith of Peoples Trust & Savings Bank. We hope to add more of these in the future. Client Stories >