Social Media Strategy Articles

hyvee social media command center

As social media continues to become an increasingly critical brand touch point, many organizations are finding value in implementing a social media command center for listening and responding to customers’ needs. One such company is grocery chain Hy-Vee. Recently Larry … Read More

Managing your kids’ schedules is a lot like social media marketing … Wait. What? Though it sounds like a non-sequiter or at best an odd comparison to make, the scenarios prove-out surprisingly well when you consider the challenges and choices … Read More

There’s not enough good research out there today. This fact is sad but true. It’s especially true in the social media space, where junk research and sensational headlines abound (example — earlier this week The Wall Street Journal forecasted Facebook’s … Read More

It’s true. We can learn lessons from children all the time. However, did you know that we can also learn a lot from their cartoons as well? Case in point, recently while tapping out some work on the iPad as … Read More

If there’s one topic in social media that is at the same time discussed extensively and yet barely understood, it’s effectively measuring ROI. However, a new primer is available for free that sheds some light on this most challenging of … Read More

For decades Ben & Jerry’s has been creating innovative flavors and exceptional experiences. In recent years, the Vermont-based ice cream company has used social media to scoop up customer delight far and wide. Mike Hayes, Integrated Marketing Specialist at Ben … Read More

Last week a colleague of mine opened a fairly routine product development update with the following poem on a single slide: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When … Read More

WARNING: What follows could be classified as something of a rant. I’ve cautioned against blind adherence to the social media rules before. I’ve always said that rules are a beginning to a social media plan but may not always be … Read More

There are a lot of books about social media on the market today and coming soon to a bookstore or Kindle near you. But if you’re looking for a book with unmatched tone that cuts through the abstract, fluffy BS … Read More

There’s a lot of talk today about ‘social media engagement.’ However, our engagement often ends up one-sided, as we focus more on our outgoing brand messages than on building connections and community with others. I’m guilty of this myself. I … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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