Design Articles

A Brand-Driven Blog Redesign

February 22, 2012

You may have already noticed but yesterday I quietly launched a redesign of my blog. To help with any whiplash you may have, I thought I’d take a moment and give you a quick tour. My purpose in all of … Read More

It’s the Little Things …

February 19, 2007

… that transform good marketing into great marketing. This morning, The Lion in Winter was on and I had to go to the endlessly-useful Internet Movie Database. (BTW – Wasn’t this one of the first viral sites that all of … Read More

I Agree with Leo

December 20, 2006

I regard a great ad as the most beautiful thing in the world. – Leo Burnett I went to the University of Iowa Museum of Art last weekend and saw this statue – Bob’s Big Boy. I love it. I … Read More

Redefining Breakfast

December 19, 2006

Last night I caught the founders of Cereality, David Roth and Rick Bacher, on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch. Now this truly is a remarkable concept – a bar/cafe that serves cereal. Not high-end, gourmet cereal. Just plain ‘ol … Read More

Again, you say? Yes. As some of you may remember I was similarly moved by some fast food packaging that I had to photograph and blog about pre-trash last year. Anyhow, I love this Pizza Hut box because they took … Read More

Molli with an “i” is a high school junior who recently job shadowed me for a brief portion of her day. As I talked with her about the minutia of my job as a marketing professional, I mentioned that my … Read More

“I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Bill Gates isobviously not up on his Goethe. This recent presentation, which … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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