Email marketing is taking a page from Mark Twain. Despite obituaries from venerable sources such as as The Wall Street Journal, results from marketers in the trenches show us that these reports of email’s death are greatly exaggerated. Leading the charge for email’s continued relevance is DJ Waldow, Founder and CEO of Waldow Social and author of the forthcoming book The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing.
DJ will also be joining us October 17-18 for the Social Brand Forum at the Iowa River Landing. Recently DJ was kind enough to sit down and talk email marketing, social media, Hawkeye basketball, navel-gazing, Lady Gaga, and much more.
Please join DJ, Ann Handley, Mack Collier, Steve Levigne, Sara Santiago, Kipp Bodnar, David B. Thomas and other industry thought leaders this October 17-18 at the Social Brand Forum at the Iowa River Landing. Learn more and register now. (Remember the first 100 save money and get three free books — including DJ’s!)