Motivation Articles


August 26, 2013


When my sister was in medical school she shared a fun turn of the phrase with us. One of her colleagues would often compliment students with the stoic praise, “strong work.” And while this has become something of an internal … Read More

Steve Jobs has passed away leaving behind an unparalleled legacy in American innovation. As my friend and fellow marketer, Bob Abbate, fittingly summed up, “His vision inspired me. His products are the tools of my trade. He was a master … Read More

Vacations allow you to recharge your batteries — both personally and professionally. On a vacation to Disney World it’s hard not to be struck by the vision and innovation of the park’s founder. If Walt Disney were alive today he’d … Read More

Good Day

February 28, 2009

Paul Harvey died this weekend. There are any number of finely worded obituaries you can read about the man whose “rest of the stories” and “good days” punctuated the breakfast tables of my childhood. What I think should be noted … Read More

Our first client was/is a Cadillac dealership. On the wall of one of their conference rooms is a framed document with advertising copy in it. Yep, ad copy. A copywriter’s dream come true — that their words would live on, … Read More

Last week at the Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, former UI president David Skorton was asked how his love of jazz has influenced him. “You don’t know what’s going to happen but you have to improvise to … Read More

A Young Mind

January 26, 2009

Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Like Henry, the 25,000 car dealers here at … Read More

The following message from Whole Foods CEO John Mackey was distributed to all team members on November 2, 2006. On the same day, the company warned that sales growth would be slow in the year ahead and that its stock … Read More


September 10, 2006

Is this an awesome example of true business acumen or am I just falling for Ford’s spin? As everyone knows, last Tuesday Bill Ford Jr. stepped down as CEO of the troubled automaker. (Quick aside: I can’t take credit for … Read More

Those of you who know me personally, know I love rage-comic Lewis Black. Those of you who read this blog frequently know that I also love good customer service. So what a treat I got this week when I received … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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