Personal Branding Episodes

phil pallen on brand

“The only exciting thing celebrity has is the privilege of platform.” To build something from this privilege, you need to understand your personal brand. Show business and personal branding are two topics Phil Pallen is uniquely qualified to talk about. … Read More

Early in my career, I spent my commute listening to audiobooks in my 1996 Ford Taurus. The tinny car speakers shook as Tom Peters spoke about excellence and management by walking around. Through landmark books such as In Search of … Read More

feldman on brand

“There’s often some confusion and conflict around personal branding.” It’s true. For whatever reason, some people and companies have trouble with this concept. But in the interconnected digital age, personal interaction and influence matters more and more for brands. Barry … Read More

deb gabor

“It’s brand or be branded.” That’s the ultimatum that Deb Gabor presented this week on the On Brand podcast. The founder and CEO of Sol Marketing and author of the new bestselling book Branding Is Sex explained that if you aren’t … Read More

bryan kramer

“Pick one or two things instead of trying to do everything.” As a leading social media influencer, Silicon Valley CEO, and TED speaker, Bryan Kramer knows a thing or two about personal branding. Kramer also knows about some of the … Read More

dorie clark on brand

“Your brand is what people say about you when you leave the room.” Bottom line: your brand is your reputation. Too many today think that reputations just happen. In reality, strong brand architects can play a big role. Dorie Clark … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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