Identity Episodes

josh miles

“Great brands demonstrate unity not uniformity.” Branding is a tricky topic. It’s both an art and a science. It’s about consistency yet not being so consistent that your story suffers. It’s this narrow space that Josh Miles navigates every day. As principal … Read More

marc hershon on brand

You might not know Marc Hershon by name but chances you are familiar with his names. That’s because Hershon is the man behind some of the most memorable brand names of our time including BlackBerry, Swiffer, and Dasani. What’s in … Read More

jonathan littman

“A name introduces you to the experience.” In short, words and the stories we create with them matter. Jonathan Littman would know. He’s named just a few things over the years. As the author and co-author of nine books he’s … Read More

heidi grant halvorson

“How do we create the perception of trust?” That is the million dollar questions for individuals and brands alike. And it’s a central question addressed in Heidi Grant Halvorson’s new book No One Understands You and What to Do About … Read More

“Being one step ahead has been a huge asset to Chobani in the digital space.” As social media strategist for the Greek yogurt giant, Ashley Butler has been around for most of the brand’s meteoric rise. It’s hard to believe … Read More

tamsen webster on brand

“Your brand exists in the head and heart — not necessarily at headquarters.” If there’s one thing that Tamsen Webster knows, it’s that brands are built from a variety of perspectives. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you … Read More

patrick hanlon on brand

“Branding discussions used to be esoteric. Like molding fog.” It was this realization that led Patrick Hanlon to come up with a better way to frame the branding conversation. What he created ended up being one of the most effective … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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