Customer Experience Episodes

david meerman scott on brand

What do the Grateful Dead and Harry Potter have in common? Both have huge fandoms that include author David Meerman Scott and his daughter Reiko Scott respectively. “Our thesis was this—are the lessons of fandom relevant to brands?” While most … Read More

christopher wallace on brand

“We’re the BASF of brand story. We don’t make it but we bring it life.” This analogy perfectly captures the inflection point where Christopher Wallace has built his business. InnerView helps marketing teams take the brand from the boardroom to the customers on the front line. This isn’t as easy as it might sound at first. We discussed all of this and more on this week’s episode of the On Brand podcast. Read More

karin soukup on brand

“Experience design is the suite of emotions that you deliver over time.” This clear and concise answer came from this week’s guest on the On Brand podcast, Karin Soukup. As Brand Experience Director at Collins San Francisco, she spends her … Read More

nancie mcdowell ruder on brand

“Leading with the who is something people want to jump right past.” No, my guest this week wasn’t talking about the band The Who. We were talking about why it’s so important to start with the customer—the who—in mind. This … Read More

darren coleman on brand

“Building a brand is everyone’s job and it’s challenging. It can feel like moving a mammoth.” As the Founder and Managing Consultant at Wavelength Marketing, Darren Coleman helps brands throughout the world like Johnson & Johnson and Pepsi build standout … Read More

kieran flanagan on brand

“One of the thing’s that’s hardest to do is continue to grow.” As Vice President of Marketing and Growth at Hubspot, Kieran Flanagan has helped the inbound marketing giant do just that. He’s responsible for managing all of HubSpot’s global … Read More

steven denekas on brand

“Experiences bring brand values to life.” As leader of the creative team at BASIC, Steven Denekas spends his time crating experiences for brands like Canadian Club, Levi’s, and Dodge. As a designer, he brings a thoughtful process to everything he … Read More

jeff rohrs on brand

“Consumers deserve perfect info about businesses everywhere. We can all agree on that.” Going out of the gate, Jeff Rohrs reminded us of what’s at stake with all of the information about businesses online. As Chief Marketing Officer at Yext, … Read More

“If you don’t care about having a lifelong relationship with your customers then keep doing what you’re doing.” But if you want to understand the customer journey and build that relationship, you have to understand the data behind it. Kevin … Read More

mario natarelli on brand podcast

“Brands aren’t logos or static concepts. They’re value systems.” Mario Natarelli has branded everything. From Fortune 500 companies to entire countries. Regardless of how different the individual clients may be, the frameworks remain the same. Author and brand strategist Natarelli … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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