Tag Archives: Branding

Happy New Year! As an author, speaker, podcast host, and educator, I’m often asked for trends that I see on the horizon of a new year. Twenty twenty-one was no exception. However, with the traumatic year we’re leaving behind and … Read More

onbrandart coronatv

My guest this week is … me! Specifically, I’m sharing a recent interview I did with Joseph Jaffe for his innovative web series CoronaTV. I’m calling this our Thanksgiving Special because to me this was a very special conversation. We talked about some of my favorite things like branding and Star Trek and the communication secrets of the U.S. presidents. It was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it and please be sure to check out Joseph Jaffe’s CoronaTV on your favorite social networks. Happy Thanksgiving! Read More

Recently, I was having coffee with a friend who sits on a local board with me. The organization is embarking on a bold new rebrand that I’ve been consulting on. As we discussed the process, he asked me, “What’s the … Read More

kerrie finch on brand

“The secret sauce of brands is purpose.” In a career that’s taken her from wrangling brands at Wieden+Kennedy to launching her own successful global PR shop, futurefactor, Kerrie Finch has spent her career helping brands share their stories with the world. We discussed all of this and more on this week’s episode of the On Brand podcast. Read More

alexandra dimiziani on brand

“I started out struggling with doing business and doing good. It’s always presented as this zero-sum game. And it doesn’t have to be.” Alexandra Dimiziani has spent her career building iconic brands such as Coca-Cola and Airbnb. Today she’s co-founder/managing … Read More

It’s January and a new year is upon us! Actually, it was upon us a week ago. But admit it — you’re just now getting up to speed after what was hopefully a restful holiday break.

Is Branding Over?

November 9, 2018

People don’t want to hear about branding anymore … Branding really isn’t what we’re trying to do here … It’s more than just branding …

marty neumeier on brand podcast

“A story lets you address problems in a very human way.” While traditional business books, textbooks, and case studies help us learn key concepts, they often miss what’s going on behind the scenes. The story arc or narrative. This week, … Read More

david aaker on brand

“Digital is content, content is stories.” Listeners of the podcast know that I am a big fan of storytelling as a brand building tool. And I’m not alone. David Aaker has had a storied career in branding and marketing, as … Read More

laura ries on brand

“The tactics have changed but the strategy of owning and building a brand hasn’t.” Laura Ries can share first hand how branding has stood the test of time. “It’s why some rise and others don’t — it’s the brand.” Together … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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