Digital Branding in a Regulated Industry at Allianz

kary delaria

“Your brand is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room.” This very personal, very human definition is what Kary Delaria uses to guide her brand building online and off. As the Social Media Manager at Allianz, she spends her time navigating the engaging yet challenging waters of digital marketing in a regulated industry. This week, she took some time to talk to us about brand ambassadors, compliance, and more on the On Brand podcast.

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About Kary Delaria

Kary is the Social Media Manager at Allianz, overseeing and managing all aspects of the Fortune 100 brand’s corporate social media channels – from strategy to content to community engagement. This work has been the recipient of both the Allianz Project Team of the Year and Sabre awards.

With 15 years of experience in public relations, media relations and marketing communication, Kary has helped clients from a wide range of industries develop and manage their brand’s online presence and reputation through a combination of social media analysis, monitoring and community engagement. Driven by a passion for digital ethnography, Kary explores the “whys” and “hows” that inspire people to talk and share online, then guides brands in leveraging the data to develop and refine effective marketing and communications strategies.

As a national speaker, Kary has shared her expertise on social media, marketing, and digital communications at conferences and events such as the Online Marketing Summit, the Radian6 Social User Conference, Y’all Connect, and the Social Brand Forum.

Episode Highlights

The key to digital ethnography. I had to ask Kary what she means in her bio when she talks about a passion for ‘digital ethnography.’ Simply put, she is passionate about “how people behave online and why. Your brand is what people say when you aren’t in the room.” The only way to learn this is by listening.

Online isn’t the only place you can listen. Kary also reminded us that listening can happen offline as well. For example, call centers are great sources of customer intelligence from the front lines. Too often marketers miss this key stop in our busy walks through the halls.

With regulations and brand styles and guidelines, how do you market around all of the ‘don’ts’? “Getting executive leadership buy-in from outside the marketing department is key.” When the needs and objectives come from other areas like sales it helps make the business case for new approaches on new platforms.

Why is Kary reading that ad copy in Morgan Freeman’s voice? While she didn’t actually do this on the podcast, she did share a unique exercise for establishing and communicating brand voice internally. Instead of trying to describe what the voice sounds like, try suggesting different celebrities with unique vocal patterns. This innovative approach can help everyone get on the same page.

What brand has made Kary smile recently? Ann Taylor. “Recently on my birthday I got a sponsored post wishing a happy birthday to all of the Virgos.” Like most marketers, Kary reverse-engineered their strategy and was impressed with this effective and relevant use of Facebook’s targeting features.

To learn more about Kary, you can meet her live and in person at the Social Brand Forum in just a few weeks. Remember, podcast listeners save $100 by using promo code ONBRAND. Register now and save. You can also follow Kary on Twitter.

As We Wrap …

Before we go, I want to flip the microphone around to our listeners …
This week I’m giving a shoutout to APSIS, who is hosting me in Stockholm, Sweden, where I’ll be keynoting their Email Marketing Evolved conference. Thanks APSIS!

Did you hear something you liked on this episode or another? Do you have a question you’d like our guests to answer? Let me know on Twitter using the hashtag #OnBrandPodcast and you may just hear your thoughts here on the show.

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  • And don’t forget that this podcast is brought to you by our Brand Driven Digital events series, learn more about the industry leading Social Brand Forum and our other trainings and workshops now.
  • Save $100 by using promo code ONBRAND when you register for the Social Brand Forum.

Until next week, I’ll see you on the Internet!