Story & Content Episodes

on brand ekaterina walter and jessica gioglio

“Stop being Switzerland!” This could sound like vague advice but it’s so important today. Translated it means that your brand can’t be neutral anymore. There’s so much noise you have to stand out. To help, marketers and serial co-authors Ekaterina … Read More

“You’re going to get judged by your video.” If this quote scares you, you’ll want to listen to this week’s episode. With 80% of online content set to be video by 2019 more brands are pushing into the space. However, … Read More

amber williams on brand

Who are you? Why do you exist? Why should people care? Amber Williams, founder and brand strategist at Punkyflair, helps brand builders answer these top-of-mind questions day in and day out. We discussed all of this and more on this … Read More

david aaker on brand

“Digital is content, content is stories.” Listeners of the podcast know that I am a big fan of storytelling as a brand building tool. And I’m not alone. David Aaker has had a storied career in branding and marketing, as … Read More

joe lazauskas on brand

“A lot of content being produced is not good. That’s because it’s not telling a great story.” As Editor-in-Chief and Director of Content Strategy at Contently, Joe Lazauskas understands the interconnected relationship between content and story. It’s the focus of … Read More

patti sanchez on brand

Stories can be powerful tools for moving people and building brands. This isn’t as easy as it sounds though. Storytelling is both an art and a science. We unpacked all of this and more on this week’s episode of the … Read More

ashley zeckman

“I love looking at other industries and seeing what they’re doing.” As Director of Agency Marketing at TopRank Marketing, Ashley Zeckman has a lot on her plate working — both agency marketing and client marketing. In some organizations, these two … Read More

“There’s so much power in the spoken word.” Nancy Duarte would know. She’s the world’s leading expert on visual communication, ranked #1 on the World’s Top 30 Communication Professionals. She’s also this week’s guest on the On Brand podcast. As … Read More

“My whole life has been a big improvisation — I follow my nose.” Improvisation has played a big role in Alan Alda’s career in more ways than one. From his early theatrical work to founding the Alda Center for Communicating … Read More

doug kessler on brand

“A brand is a set of promises. If you break that, you hurt the brand.” With a storied career in advertising including his current gig as co-founder and creative director of the Velocity Partners agency, Doug Kessler has spent his … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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