Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

ashley shuler on brand

“There’s a shift that’s taking place that’s requiring a response. Now people are saying—action.” Ashley Shuler is a business strategist who helps busy solopreneurs operate their businesses efficiently and effectively. Recently, she replied to one of my ICYMI email newsletters on how brands need to do better on race. We discussed this along with productivity and missed brand touchpoints, this week on the On Brand podcast. Read More

john jantsch on brand

“Entrepreneurs have always been the voice of good.” As the author of bootstrapping bibles Duct Tape Marketing, The Referral Engine, and Duct Tape Selling, John Jantsch has also been a voice of good for many entrepreneurs. He’s brought this insight … Read More

james ontra on brand

“Presentations are valuable content.” And yet, they often go underutilized. More challenging still, these prominent content delivery systems aren’t branded consistently. Enter James Ontra. Author of the book Presentation Management and Co-Founder and CEO of Shufflrr, James joined me this … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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