Tag Archives: Blogging

mack collier on brand

“It takes time to cultivate relationships.” Mack Collier has been cultivating relationships for a long time. The social media strategist, speaker, and author has been blogging for 12 years and has hosted the Twitter chat #Blogchat since March 2009. He’s … Read More

maddy osman

“I think 2016 is the year of the blog.” And Maddy Osman knows a thing or two about brands and blogging. That’s because she’s the force behind not one but two blog brands. Her lifestyle blog, Chicago Cheap Ass, helps … Read More

“I’ve been blogging for … well, 10 years exactly.” I found myself saying this phrase during a client meeting and was taken a back. It’s true. I have been blogging for 10 years. Almost to the day. I published my … Read More

How Do You Find Time to Blog?

September 19, 2014


This week on Social Brand Chat presented by KXIC we discussed a question from Tyler Scott via Twitter who asked, “How do you find the time to blog?” We all know that creating content is key (some would say it’s … Read More


This week on Social Brand Chat presented by KXIC we discussed a question we received last week after our first Content Marketing Boot Camp in Cedar Rapids: “Can you have too many people working on your blog?” During past episodes … Read More

If you’re like most marketers, chances are pretty good that you’re utilizing some form of content in your marketing mix. In fact, recent studies from the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs show that content marketing is being used by at … Read More


August 26, 2013


When my sister was in medical school she shared a fun turn of the phrase with us. One of her colleagues would often compliment students with the stoic praise, “strong work.” And while this has become something of an internal … Read More

one thing on social media

“If you’re strapped for time and money and can only do one thing on social media, what should that be?” This was the question posed at one of our recent Social Strategy Boot Camp events. Many marketers — especially small … Read More

Blogging has long been the hub of the social media universe, providing a centralized platform for sharing content across social channels. In recent years, blogging has gotten even more social. Perhaps the greatest convergence of blogging and social media to … Read More

“I’d love to blog … but I could never do that.” It’s amazing how many people are still intimidated by the idea of blogging. Yet for many B2B and B2C brands, blogs still serve as digital content hubs — solving … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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