Tag Archives: linkedin

jason miller on brand

“I like to be dangerous with my content.” It’s quotes like this where Jason Miller’s rock-n-roll background and passion shine through in his work. By day, Jason is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn. By night, he’s an accomplished … Read More

With approximately 58 million unique visitors a month, SlideShare — often called “the YouTube of slide decks” — is no slouch when it comes to social activity. Most of us have probably flipped through an embedded SlideShare — also their … Read More

If you’ve been to LinkedIn lately, you’ve probably noticed that things look a bit different. While LinkedIn doesn’t have us addicted with the co-dependent ferocity of Facebook and Twitter, the executive-focused social network is proving to be a valuable space … Read More

Branding is important. I gotta get me some of that. Social media is critical. I gotta get me some of that, too. Branding and social media are kind of squishy things. Industry thought leaders wax philosophically to the point that … Read More

Recently I had one of those ah-ha moments where insight forever changes the way you look at something. In this case it was how I viewed LinkedIn. Many are perplexed by LinkedIn. What does it do? It’s not as fun … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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