Tag Archives: content strategy

In a world with numerous social networks, where everyone is creating every form of content directed toward a public with the attention span of a goldfish, it’s easy to think that the best thing to do is more. More branding. … Read More


“Most content marketing is stuck in the ‘meh’ gear.” Robert Rose knows a thing or two about content marketing. He literally co-wrote the book on it. As Chief Strategist for the Content Advisory Group with the Content Marketing Institute and … Read More

“The companies that don’t have a good strategy around their content usually don’t have a good strategy around their brand either.” Creating an engaging content experience is one of the most effective branding tools marketers can employ today. However, it’s … Read More

Do You Like Your Content?

December 10, 2014

Recently I found myself listening to public radio’s Ira Glass as a guest on Alec Baldwin’s podcast, Here’s The Thing. It’s worth noting that in addition to being a great actor and unique celebrity personality, Mr. Baldwin is also an … Read More


This week on Social Brand Chat presented by KXIC we discussed a question we received recently following a Social Media Club Des Moines event: “If our customers  have different interests (maybe location or topics), how do we segment our content?” … Read More

If you’re like most marketers, chances are pretty good that you’re utilizing some form of content in your marketing mix. In fact, recent studies from the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs show that content marketing is being used by at … Read More

Whether you’re in the B2B, B2C, or non-profit sector, content marketing — blogging, videos, white papers, etc. — is on the rise. The Content Marketing Institute reported in their research across industries that “producing enough content” continues to be a … Read More

Social networks, blogs, videos, podcasts, ebooks, and emails — oh my! As marketers, we have one of the most diverse toolboxes at our disposal that we’ve ever had in the history of our trade. As recently as 15 years ago, … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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