Tag Archives: brand voice


Maddy Osman is the founder of the Blogsmith, an SEO content writing agency for B2B technology brands. An expert in content creation and strategy, she’s the author of the new book Writing for Humans and Robots. We discussed all of this and … Read More

randy frisch on brand

“What we do in life is we solve what’s in front of us instead of what’s next.” That’s exactly how most brands have approached content marketing. The initial challenge was creating all of this content. So we focused on content creation. Now there’s too much content and people aren’t engaging with it. As CMO and Co-Founder of Uberflip, Randy Frisch helps marketers create engaging content experiences. He’s also the author of a new book with a NSFW title that we discuss on this week’s episode of the On Brand podcast. Read More

It isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it. You’ve no doubt heard this before. This axiom has permeated business, politics, and life at many levels. From your personal communication to your next big marketing campaign, style matters. Especially … Read More

seth sparks on brand

“Our brand values are up on the wall but there’s more to it. We have a very specific way of talking.” In addition to being a part of Nationwide’s Member Experience Team, Seth Sparks has a lot of the same … Read More

brad flowers on brand

“Branding is complicated when you try to define it.” If there was an ongoing theme of the On Brand podcast, this week’s guest hit the nail on the head. Of course, your brand is more than your logo but how … Read More

“Our Instagram voice is very different than even Facebook and Twitter.” As Associate Director of Social Media at Whole Foods Market, Lisa Grimm is responsible for how the innovative natural supermarket chain comes to life online. From developing brand standards … Read More

kary delaria

“Your brand is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room.” This very personal, very human definition is what Kary Delaria uses to guide her brand building online and off. As the Social Media Manager at Allianz, … Read More

josh miles

“Great brands demonstrate unity not uniformity.” Branding is a tricky topic. It’s both an art and a science. It’s about consistency yet not being so consistent that your story suffers. It’s this narrow space that Josh Miles navigates every day. As principal … Read More

Avoiding Snark Online

January 27, 2014


We do business with people we like. While this adage has been in play for generations, it takes on added meaning as social media allows us to get closer than ever before with our customers. Facebook, the world’s largest social … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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