Tag Archives: tamsen webster

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite – recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City – Jay and I discussed some new data on Snapchat use that reinforces why this is a social network we’re spending more and more … Read More

tamsen webster on brand

“Your brand exists in the head and heart — not necessarily at headquarters.” If there’s one thing that Tamsen Webster knows, it’s that brands are built from a variety of perspectives. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you … Read More

2014 social media trends

With another year behind us and a new year on the horizon, digital marketers are looking ahead with excitement. As new technology, tools, and trends emerge, we thought it might be useful to ask some of the industry’s brightest thought … Read More

beyond followers

We need more likes on our Facebook page! We need more followers on Twitter! More! More! MORE! Okay. Then what? As brands of all shapes and sizes race to get build an increasingly social brand, the early focus is often … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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