Tag Archives: negative comments

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite – recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City – Jay and I discussed a recent question I got while speaking at the Roller Skating Association’s annual conference. It was something I hear … Read More

Avoiding Snark Online

January 27, 2014


We do business with people we like. While this adage has been in play for generations, it takes on added meaning as social media allows us to get closer than ever before with our customers. Facebook, the world’s largest social … Read More

negative comments

Someone wrote something bad on our Facebook page! Delete it quick! Does this sound familiar? While many love how easy social media has made it for brands to talk to their communities of customers and fans, they often have mixed … Read More

One of the most common objections heard from businesses considering social media is that “people will say bad things about our brand.” When hearing this, marketers often politely remind the boss or client that these conversations about the brand – … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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