Tag Archives: marketing strategy

At this point, most of us have already seen tons of articles and videos on things like “How to do XYZ in the midst of COVID-19.” Some have been good. Others have been not so good. As marketers in today’s … Read More

In a world with numerous social networks, where everyone is creating every form of content directed toward a public with the attention span of a goldfish, it’s easy to think that the best thing to do is more. More branding. … Read More

lee odden on brand

“There’s a gravity to shiny new objects and tactics that people can easily fall prey to.” As CEO of TopRank Marketing, Lee Odden helps both B2B and B2C clients overcome the obstacles of today’s shiny new things. He’s also the author … Read More

With all of the shiny new things in marketing today it can be hard not to be overwhelmed. From Facebook live video to Snapchat, we are constantly bombarded with examples of marketers doing cool things with new forms of content … Read More

Every now and then, small everyday moments present opportunities to observe concise case studies in action. As anyone who follows me on social media knows, I’ve been pretty aggressively promoting my new book Get Scrappy: Smarter Digital Marketing for Businesses Big … Read More

Marketing in Circles

August 12, 2015

When I’m not consulting, coaching, or teaching, I get to do one of my favorite things — speaking to large groups of marketers and business owners eager to build their brands and grow their businesses. Last spring I had the … Read More

What the hell is all that noise? That thought was going through my head as I traversed the crowded hallways of the Austin Convention Center at the annual SXSW Interactive conference this past March. Each year this event draws thousands … Read More

Checklist Marketing

September 16, 2013

checklist marketing

Marketers today are busier than ever. Add to this the fact that budgets are lean, making the prospect of more help seem like a distant dream. It’s no surprise that during our Social Strategy Boot Camps, I’m often asked, “What … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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