Tag Archives: google plus

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite – recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City – Jay and I discussed a recent development from Google. On last week’s show, we shared new data illustrating that Facebook is far from … Read More

Is Google+ Worth the Time?

November 29, 2013


This week on Social Brand Chat presented by KXIC we discussed a question via (what else?) Google+ from Stephan Hovnanian: “How do I decide if Google+ is worth it?” Great question and definitely one that many grapple with. Let’s chat … Read More

facebook graph search

On Tuesday, Facebook announced a new feature to their billion-plus users — Graph Search. After heralding this exciting new announcement (video below) many were left wondering what Facebook Graph Search is beyond an enhanced search feature and what it means … Read More

My most trafficked post of 2011 occurred exactly one year ago. The post provided early insights and a review of a new social network called Google+. In hindsight the traffic spike isn’t really surprising as it’s a big new social … Read More

Whoa. What Happened? Like many, I was shocked last week when I logged into Google+ and found that the search giant had quietly rolled out a massive revision to their social platform — both in terms of appearance and features. … Read More

If you’re asking ‘What is Google+?’ here’s a quick primer — Google+ is the latest social networking foray from Google. This network was launched earlier this summer with a stampede for scarce invitations and industry wonks waxing philosophically on whether … Read More

From launch hype to the rollout of business pages, the social network from the Internet’s biggest player is taking off fast. To recap all of this and to help your business get involved, I wrote an eBook — Google+ 101: … Read More

How I Use Google+

October 10, 2011

If you’re like me you’ve probably seen a wide array of responses to Google’s new social network, Google+. What would I do with another social network? I haven’t logged into Google Plus in days/weeks. I am abandoning Facebook for Google+ … Read More

Google+ Business Wish List

August 22, 2011

Dear Google, We’ve been very good marketers this year. We’re really excited about your most recent toy, Google+. Do you think you could find a way to include the following features in your upcoming rollout of Google+ business pages? Start … Read More

We need you! Outside of the usual crop of early adopters, my larger circle of friends and colleagues (not a literal G+ circle) seems a little skeptical of Google+. Why do we have to learn another social network? Why now? … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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