Tag Archives: customer service

As family and friends gathered in new ways to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we were dealt another tragic loss with the death of retired Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh. The pain is especially acute because of what he stood for in … Read More

peter shankman on brand

“There’s a common theme to everything I do — I create content that helps people.” And Peter Shankman does just a few things as an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and thought leader on topics ranging from public relations, customer service, and … Read More

bill price on brand

“Too often today we over-survey our customers.” As Amazon’s first Worldwide VP of Customer Service, Bill Price is a legend in the field of customer service. As an author and advisor, he continues to drive home the fact that service … Read More

jay baer

“Every single time you respond to a customer complaint it increases advocacy. Every time you don’t it decreases it.” Jay Baer would know. For his new book Hug Your Haters, Jay didn’t just write about what he thought and felt about … Read More

I’m going to attempt to write one of those bold, opinionated posts that hopefully inspires you to take swift action. Ready? Here goes. If you hide your phone number online, you are telling your customers that they don’t matter.

service mindset

My second job ever, and the one I did the longest in high school and college, was working at a grocery store. I loved it (FYI – my first job was washing dishes at a nursing home – not a … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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