Tag Archives: creativity

Creative Marketing Today

October 8, 2014

creative marketing

A few weeks back my friends at Buffer invited me to moderate their #Bufferchat on Twitter on the topic of creative marketing. Creativity has always been an important tool for marketers, serving as either a campaign ingredient or embodied by … Read More

One of the most creative companies churning out quality product at an unprecedented rate is Pixar. Over the past two decades, the Disney-owned animation studio has produced a string of critical and commercial successes in an industry where success is … Read More

Fun fact about me: I actually have a little bit of background in improvisational comedy. There was even a time when I was part of a group that would perform improv in bars in the Iowa City area for little … Read More

The Idea Business

February 3, 2012

Aren’t you going to write this down? We’ve all been to the trendy restaurant where the servers don’t write down your order. How do we know that they got it all and, if they did, that they got it correct? … Read More

The biggest secret to blogging is one I learned from the theatre. Let me back up … When people are getting to know me, we inevitably have an exchange where it’s revealed that my academic background is neither in marketing … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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