Tag Archives: content creation

toby and zoe on brand

“It’s about getting people to create less content but also more meaningful content.” Amen. This week’s guests aren’t just content marketing professionals. As leaders at Upland Software and co-authors of Mastering One Voice, Toby Murdock and Zoë Randolph are on a mission to help content marketers create better content with a more cohesive, meaningful brand voice. We discussed all of this and more on this week’s episode of the On Brand podcast. Read More

doug kessler on brand

“A brand is a set of promises. If you break that, you hurt the brand.” With a storied career in advertising including his current gig as co-founder and creative director of the Velocity Partners agency, Doug Kessler has spent his … Read More

aaron orendorff on brand

“It’s almost cliche to say but the Internet is challenging. There’s so much noise. Why do we need another blog or another channel?” While digital media has provided more opportunities for building brands online, it’s also created a level of noise … Read More

What the hell is all that noise? That thought was going through my head as I traversed the crowded hallways of the Austin Convention Center at the annual SXSW Interactive conference this past March. Each year this event draws thousands … Read More

While we may not own up to it, one of the concepts that most of us believe in is that more is better. More time spent on a plan makes it better. More meetings means something is more thought out. … Read More

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite – recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City – Jay and I discussed an upcoming episode of ABC’s Modern Family shot entirely on the Apple products (iPhone, iPad, etc). While this makes … Read More


This week on Social Brand Chat presented by KXIC we discussed a question from my Content Marketing Boot Camp at MarketingProfs B2B Marketing Forum last week in Boston, “Is it OK to repurpose content?” Good question! Sometimes we can wring our … Read More

four content tools

For years now, marketers have been tossing around phrases like, “content is king” but what does all of this really mean for you and your business? 

Content Creation vs. Curation

February 11, 2013

content marketing

A recent study from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute on the state of content marketing reported that B2B marketers’ chief concern was producing enough content. This represents a shift, as in previous years the biggest challenge had been creating … Read More

twitter vine app

Last Thursday Twitter introduced Vine, an engaging new way to create and share concise mobile video content. Actually, Twitter announced their acquisition of Vine Labs and their signature app. Like all things Twitter, Vine is defined by its brevity. What … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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