Tag Archives: community management

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite – recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City – Jay and I discussed several new Facebook page features that should make admin’s lives a lot easier. Soon pages will start appearing in new … Read More

Questions Are Currency

December 2, 2013

How can we create more engaging conversations via social media? How can we develop more helpful content for our online community? These are both common questions for brands of all shapes and sizes. In fact, you can answer these frequently-asked … Read More

stone soup

As we frequently discuss on The Work Talk Show, inspiring ideas often happen when we aren’t at work. Those familiar with my writing know that I often see marketing analogies in stories and works of literature like Rudyard Kipling’s poem, … Read More

social media response time

During a recent talk on social media engagement I was asked, “How soon should you respond to an issue on social media?” I replied, as everyone knows, that the optimal social media response time is 11 minutes, 3 seconds. Duh. … Read More

Fun fact about me: I actually have a little bit of background in improvisational comedy. There was even a time when I was part of a group that would perform improv in bars in the Iowa City area for little … Read More

The surest path to social media success comes from aligning your strategy with core organizational goals. Web hosting provider (mt) MediaTemple has done just that, using social to enhance their customer support and, in the process, humanizing a brand many … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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