OnBrand Podcast - Nick Westergaard
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On Brand Podcast Prep & Guidelines

First and foremost, thank you for being a guest on the On Brand podcast! Here are some technical requirements and other reminders that will help ensure that we have a great recording.

Items Needed Prior to Recording

  • The show is recorded via Zencastr. You will receive a link to join in your interview invite.
  • A short one-paragraph guest bio for the on-air introduction. If you’d like, we can include a longer guest bio on the show page online but we want to keep the recorded introduction brief so we can get right into the conversation.
  • A high-resolution headshot for use in our show art and notes page. Here’s an example of what this will look like. Feel free to send book cover art as well. If you’d like to send a review copy of a book or any other promotional materials, please send this to the following address:

Brand Driven, LLC
attn: On Brand Podcast
2172 N. Oak Ct.
Coralville, IA 52241

Technical Requirements & Considerations

  • Please use a USB headset or headphones instead of your computer’s speakers so your microphone doesn’t pick up the echo of our voices.
  • Try to find a small, quiet room for your interview. Minor things like air conditioning are fine, however, crowds of people in an airport terminal are not.
  • Close ALL unnecessary internet-hungry apps (VPN, streaming, etc.) to free up your computer’s processing power.
  • Mute your cell-phone, or preferably, switch it off altogether.
  • Close all programs on your computer that make sounds, e.g. email, Facebook, etc.

Here’s a Rundown of the Show’s Flow

Overall show length — approx. 25–30 minutes of recording (plan for five minutes before and five minutes after as well for an overall commitment of just under an hour).

  • Nick introduces the guest (that’s you!)—1 minute
  • Guest interview (we chat about you, your work, and brand building in general)—20–25 minutes
  • As we close, Nick will ask you to name a brand that has made you smile recently—2–3 minutes
  • Nick will ask you to share link(s) where listeners can learn more about who you are and what you do—less than a minute
  • Nick closes the show—about a minute

Sample Questions to Consider

  • What does branding mean to you?
  • How does branding happen today? What does the process look like?
  • How has branding changed in the digital age?
  • Which brands and brand builders do you look up to?
  • What’s one thing that most are missing?
  • What’s one tip you would tell someone building a brand today?
  • Finally, what’s a brand that has made you smile recently?

What Happens After the Recording

The On Brand podcast is published on Mondays and appears with show notes and links at OnBrandPodcast.com. All episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, StitcherGoogle Play, Amazon, TuneIn, iHeart, YouTube, and more.

Please feel free to share your interview on the show with your network via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email, once the show is live. You can also connect with host Nick Westergaard and tag him using the following social media accounts:

Thanks again! If you have any questions, please contact Nick directly.

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A monthly email to help you lead with story in your work.

On Brand is an excellent podcast for anyone looking to explore brand from numerous vantage points. Nick is an engaging and curious host who grounds the conversation with solid questions and relaxed insights based on his own experience.
Katie Analyzes
Apple Podcasts Listener