Tag Archives: copywriting

nick usborne on brand

“Bad writing can undermine everything you’re trying to do.” As someone who started out as a marketing copywriter and who still spends a lot of time today teaching business writing and writing books, I couldn’t wait to talk to copywriting and web writing expert Nick Usborne about how the words we use help us build better brands. We discussed this and much more this week on the On Brand podcast. Read More

aaron orendorff on brand

“It’s almost cliche to say but the Internet is challenging. There’s so much noise. Why do we need another blog or another channel?” While digital media has provided more opportunities for building brands online, it’s also created a level of noise … Read More

You often hear couples talk about saying those three little words — I love you. However, in the relationship between a brand and their customers, it’s four little words that can make all the difference in the world.

It all comes down to the headline. You could have the most well-crafted ad or in this case, blog post, and yet if the headline isn’t right a majority of your audience will never make it there. What’s a copywriter/blogger … Read More

Now Hear This

June 11, 2009

Now is the winter of our discontent … Those opening lines from Richard III crossed my mind earlier today while driving past our local Shakespeare Festival stage in Iowa City, where the Bard’s tale of a physically and mentally disfigured … Read More

Muppets on Marketing

March 20, 2009

The above scene from The Muppets Take Manhattan is one that Dean and I both hold near and dear for obvious reasons. But there is a very simple truth exposed by Kermit as he helps an all-frog ad agency struggle … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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