Tag Archives: brand now

I’m consistently amazed at how often I encounter people who are skeptical of personal branding. Apple, Nike, and Starbucks need to focus on branding. But Jennifer in sales? No way. And yet, your personal brand helps you accomplish one of … Read More

Recently, I was having coffee with a friend who sits on a local board with me. The organization is embarking on a bold new rebrand that I’ve been consulting on. As we discussed the process, he asked me, “What’s the … Read More

Is Branding Over?

November 9, 2018

People don’t want to hear about branding anymore … Branding really isn’t what we’re trying to do here … It’s more than just branding …

Does anyone really want to talk about crisis communication? It’s sort of like life insurance. You want to know you have a plan in place but it’s not something you want to dwell upon.

social sound bite

On this week’s Social Sound Bite — recorded live at the KXIC studios in Iowa City — Jerry and I discussed the latest data from the State of Branding 2018. The report breaks down the biggest challenges marketers face. Topping that list … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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