Tag Archives: brand advocacy

mack collier on brand

“It takes time to cultivate relationships.” Mack Collier has been cultivating relationships for a long time. The social media strategist, speaker, and author has been blogging for 12 years and has hosted the Twitter chat #Blogchat since March 2009. He’s … Read More

sxsw live

This week, we have a special LIVE episode of the On Brand podcast — on stage from SXSW Interactive. Recorded last Saturday, March 11 in Austin, this episode featured a timely discussion of a big question that many brand builders … Read More

lauren friedman

“Employees are trusted more than the organizations they work for.” Citing this simple stat from the Edelman Trust Barometer, Adobe’s Lauren Friedman described her job in a nutshell. As the head of Global Social Business Enablement, Friedman spends her time … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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