Tag Archives: authenticity

mark viden on brand

“Branding is finding what’s true in any organization.” Mark Viden has experience in brand advertising with lots of different types of organizations ranging from startups and financial services to his current role as Vice Preside of Brand Marketing at Dignity … Read More

nicole ertas on brand

“You have to be able to let go.” As brand builders, we’re used to being in control of our brands. But that’s something we have to get over today. Our brands are owned not by us — but by our … Read More

bruce kennedy on brand

“If you want to be authentic as a brand, you have to be able to make a mistake.” As social media manager for Cision, Bruce Kennedy is on the front lines of the brand’s online conversations. Last week, he was … Read More

Avoiding Snark Online

January 27, 2014


We do business with people we like. While this adage has been in play for generations, it takes on added meaning as social media allows us to get closer than ever before with our customers. Facebook, the world’s largest social … Read More

Nick has a knack for making complex topics simple.
Jacey Wilkins, National Institute of Metalworking Skills


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