Enjoy these additional Brand Now resources to help you put the book’s ideas into practice in your work.
Brand Now Workbook—The official companion piece for Brand Now! The prompts and activities contained in this 24-page illustrated workbook will help you put the ideas of Brand Now into action.
Brand Now Illustrated Summary—An exclusive illustrated overview of the seven Brand Now dynamics.
Brand Story Reference Table—A handy tool for referencing the brand story archetypes presented in Brand Now.
Circles of Community Graphic—An easy to reference (and share!) image of the cirles of community from Brand Now.
Brand Touchpoint Map—Craft a cohesive brand experience both online and off with this helpful organizer referenced in Brand Now.
Branding Experts on Brand Building: An Audio Exclusive—Enjoy this special one-hour audio masterclass featuring some of the best branding thought leaders answering the biggest questions about brand building today — Patrick Hanlon (author of Primal Branding and The Social Code), Dorie Clark (author of Entrepreneurial You and Stand Out) Marty Neumeier (author of The Brand Gap and The Brand Flip), and Denise Lee Yohn (author of What Great Brands Do and Fusion)
As Referenced in Brand Now
Enjoy these additional resources referenced in Brand Now!
Red Thread video series from Tamsen Webster
Brand strategist Marc Shillum on creating brands with patterns
Marc Shillum: Consistent Brands Through Repeating Patterns from PSFK on Vimeo.
Story lessons from Pixar’s Andrew Stanton and author Kurt Vonnegut
The full-length Story of Content Documentary from The Content Marketing Insitute
Cisco’s Valentine’s Day ad and their “Slow Waiter” video series
Personal Branding
“A Brand Called You” by Tom Peters, Fast Company article
Political Branding
Texas County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty’s TV ad
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)—for conducting a quick trademark search
Crisis Communication
Crisis expert Melissa Agnes’ website is home to many helpful resources including flowcharts, infographics, and the Crisis Intelligence Podcast
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Anatomy of a Sound Bite
Search Articles and Episodes
Are you feeling like David in a field of marketing Goliaths? Get scrappy. Organizations of any size can use the principles in this book to stretch their digital marketing reach.
Daniel H. Pink, Author of Drive and To Sell Is Human
A monthly email to help you lead with story in your work.